Gengwei Zhang


Gengwei Zhang (David)

Ph.D. student
Faculty of Engineering & IT
University of Technology Sydney
Email: zgwdavid AT (prefered); gengwei.zhang AT

About Me

I am a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), supervised by Prof. Yunchao Wei and Prof. Ling Chen . I received my bachelor’s degree in School of Data and Computer Science (currently School of Computer Science and Engineering) from Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU). Before UTS, I spent a wonderful year working with Prof. Xiaodan Liang at SYSU as a research assistant.
My current research interests are in Computer Vision and improving vision models with advanced Machine Learning algorithms, such as Automated Machine Learning, Few-shot Learning and Continual Learning. Specifically, I have recently worked in:


[2023.07] Our paper “SLCA: Slow Learner with Classifier Alignment for Continual Learning on a Pre-trained Model” has been accepted by ICCV 2023, and the code is available here.
[2022.12] Our paper “Mask Matching Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation” has been accepted by NeurIPS 2022, and the code is available here.
[2021.12] Our paper “Few-Shot Segmentation via Cycle-Consistent Transformer” has been accepted by NeurIPS 2021, and the code is available here.


Please refer to my Google scholar for a full list of my publications and here are some selective publications.

Continual Learning (Image Classification)

Few-shot Learning + Segmentation

AutoML + Segmentation

AutoML + Detection

Continul Learning + Detection

Graph Reasoning + Segmentation